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Fratelli Stellari, Music From Outer Space

Fratelli Stellari (Star Brothers) are a group of writers and singers, based in Italy (Florence and Turin). According to some rumours, all members of this band are of alien origin (coming from Orion's Belt), but they hide themselves among the earthlings through pseudonyms and disguises. They experience various genres of music: pop, dance, disco, funk, electronic; they sing in English, Italian, Spanish and French. Fratelli Stellari pay attention to their look and appear often in space costumes. They usually record at two studios, one in Florence and the other in Turin: Pleyad Studios, which is also the name of their discographic label.
Producers and managers of the band are Fabio Nocentini and Giuseppe Ciucci.
The group has published two books written in italian: "Dall'Egitto con Furore" ("From Egypt with Fury") and "50 Sfumature di Alieno" ("50 Shades of Alien"); the publisher is
"Aglien Discomix" (digital album and CD), "Ufo Dance (Space Edit)" (digital single), "Nightflight to Planet X" (digital album), "Milky Way Super Mix" (digital single, extended play), "Matres Alienorum" (digital single), "Galactic Sound" (digital album), "50 Sfumature di Alieno" (digital single), "Advent of the Space Gods" (digital album and CD), "Les Trois Mères - Deep Space Mix" (digital single), "Instrumental Hits Vol. 1" (digital album), "Instrumental Hits Vol. 2" (digital album), "Milky Way Super Mix (Instrumental)" (digital single, extended play).
Listen for free on Spotify and Deezer
DJoNemesis & Lilly
DJoNemesis is a singer and a remixer belonging to Fratelli Stellari: he appears in the band's albums and he also creates music on his own. He lives in Turin, Italy and works at the Pleyad Studios. Lilly was his female cat, coming from Orion's Belt: in August 2016 she reicarnated as the female cat Maia Devoted to the Pleiades.
Discography. "Baffo d'Oro" (digital single), "Home" (digital single), " VisitorsInterstellar" (digital album), " MelodyRitornata dalla Luce" (digital single), "Nibiru Remixing" (digital album), "An Ufo Over Turin" (digital single, extended play), "Instrumental Essence Vol. 1" (digital album), "Arrival Prophecy" (digital album and CD), "Instrumental Essence Vol. 2" (digital album).